Antique Pottery » 19th Century
By the beginning of the 19th century the pottery industry had transformed into an international enterprise using mass production operations. However, the individual pieces still retained their charm and naivety due to the colouring and decoration techniques used by individuals in the finishing process.
Offering a unique insight into the past, 19th century figures and commemorative pieces are literally a potted history of our shared social evolution.

Miniature Rabbit

Miniature Ram

Molineaux v Cribb Jug

Napoleon Bear Jug

Napoleon III On Horseback

Nun Pigeon on Nest

Obadiah Sherratt -Reading Maid

Pair Black Spotted White Cats

Pair Fox Head Stirrup Cups

Pair Musicians Reading Music

Pair of Poodles

Pair Recumbent Cats Scrolled Bases

Pair Sitting Gold Collared Cats

Peabody Benefactor Of The Poor

Pearlware furniture rests

Pearlware Queen Caroline Mug

Peterloo Massacre- Henry Hunt Mug

Phillips & Co Maritime Mug

Pilgrims Progress