Antique Pottery » Animals
Since we first developed the desire to decorate our surroundings some 40,000 years ago, animals were the subject of choice. Animals, domestic, wild or pets have alway been well represented British pottery.
From menageries to individual specimens, famous, generic and infamous animals, mythical and even vermin. Antique pottery animals are highly sought after, their charm naivety and, often tenuous, form has lead to an increase in demand of late, a good solid investment that will bring joy to old and young alike.

Miniature Rabbit

Miniature Ram

Miniature Recumbent Sheep

Napoleon Bear Jug

Nun Pigeon on Nest

Pair Black Spotted White Cats

Pair Donkey Attendants

Pair Fox Head Stirrup Cups

Pair of North England Cats

Pair of Poodles

Pair of Whippets

Pair Recumbent Cats Scrolled Bases

Pair Sitting Gold Collared Cats

Pearlware Recumbent Lion

Rare Brown & White Cat

Risque Bear Jug

Seated Cat Orange Bow

Serpent Coiled Pipe

Sherrat Dog Figure