Antique Pottery » Plaques
From the iconic lustre framed plaques with solemn messages in bold text through to more extravagant examples featuring biblical scenes, wall plaques have always featured highly in antique British pottery.
Used to compliment the decor in any setting, contemporary or traditional, these pottery pieces are forever popular and add a touch of the sublime in any setting.

Dixon & Co Romantic Landscape

Dixon New Bridge Over Wear.

Dixon Romantic Middle East

Dixon Wesley

Dixon Wesley Plate

Dr Adam Clarke

Duke of York Portrait Medallion

Elaborate - Though God

Fell & Co Behold God

For Man Dieth

For Man Dieth - Dixon

For Man Dieth....Job 14.10 - John Carr

Garrison May Peace And Plenty

God Is Love

He That Believeth Shall Be Saved

John Carr - God is Love

Low Light's - Prepare All Seeing Eye

Low Light's - Thou God Sees't Me

Maling Adam Clarke