Antique Pottery » Commemorative Ware
Printed British pottery provides a comprehensive picture of life in the UK and the USA since the English Civil War. Commemorative pieces celebrating, or berating, famous figures such as kings queens and emperors, but also, political events and social happenings, represent to us a document, contemporaneous, historic and fragile!
From Charles 1st and Oliver Cromwell through to Queen Victoria and Gladstone, commemorating sporting triumphs, battles, births, deaths and election campaigns. Antique British pottery commemorative ware offers a fascinating insight into the social events which have dominated our history and contributed to the society we live in today.

'Boney' Bear Jug

Albert & Alexandra Wedding Jug

American Eagle Great Seal of the United States Jug

Ball's Pottery Mug- Man O War at Full Sail

Brougham & Denman- Jug

Carlisle By-Election Musgrave Jug

Catch Singers

Church and King- Herculaneum Jug

Crimea - Moore & Co

Crimean War Satirical Frog Loving Cup

Death Of George IV

Death Of Nelson

Death of Wellington Jug

Dixon Wesley Plate

Duke Of York & Prince Cobourg

Duke of York - Prince Cobourg Jug

Duke of York Portrait Medallion

Earl Wellington Commemorative Jug

EM Napoleon