Antique Pottery » Sunderland Lustre
Sunderland, my home town, is synonymous with the production of lustre decorated pottery. Lustreware was produced throughout the British Isles, especially Wales, although primarily in the north east of England. The term 'Sunderland Lustre' is now used generically to describe all lustre finished pottery from this part of the country, sorry Newcastle...
Domestic items, bowls, mugs and chamber pots were produced in the hundreds of thousands right up until the 1930s, they were richly decorated in pink, orange and yellow lustre with transfer decorations overpainted individually adding to their individual appeal.
Dixon & Co, Garrison Pottery, Ball's, Scott's, Moore's, Maling, Sherif Hill, St Anthony's and Ford's, amongst others, all produced exceptional, highly collectable pottery.

A Friendly Dog In Need - Jug

All Seeing - Prepare to Meet Thy God

All Seeing Eye - Prepare

Ball's - Frog Mug

Ball's Pottery Mug- Man O War at Full Sail

Behold. God - John Carr

Black & White- Prepare

Black & Yellow-Thou God

Butter Dish

Byron's 'Tear' Pot

Childs Mug

Crimea - Moore & Co

Dixon & Co - Adam Clarke

Dixon & Co - My Ship is Moored

Dixon September Pot & Lid

Elaborate - Though God

Faded Frog Mug

For Man Dieth - Dixon

For Man Dieth....Job 14.10 - John Carr